Keylontic Science is the science of consciousness and creation. The information that is under the Keylonta umbrella is what science and religion have been separately trying to teach us for decades but to no avail. Science and spirituality were always meant to be in unison, taught together. The truth is there is no difference between science and religion.
The key to making profound changes here in physical manifestation is understanding how energy, time, and space truly work. Some of the sacred knowledge Keylontic Science explores is the true structure of our 15 dimensional time matrix system and humanity’s multi-dimensional identity, and it explains humanity’s relationship to source and the cosmos. This information allows us to consciously direct the path of our physical and spiritual evolution. It gives us the tools and understanding of our physical and non-physical (energetic) parts so we can bring in more of our consciousness and awareness into manifestation here.
This knowledge is embedded in our DNA and is part of every human being’s divine birthright. Unfortunately it has been kept hidden from us for far too long, and this is the period in time when we are able to reclaim our divine freedoms with this information. This knowledge has been spread around a bit on the planet since the late 90’s but unfortunately its been purposely suppressed by forces who do not want us to remember. Part of my mission in this lifetime is to help spread this divine truth to as many souls as I can, and help bridge the gap between physics and spirituality. A good place to begin is to read the book Voyagers 2 by Ashayana Deane, as she is one of the first to anchor in this knowledge into the planet. You can also watch a free introductory class I taught below on a podcast episode of Warrior of Truth. I also host live classes on Zoom teaching the different levels and topics of Keylontic Science.